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I recently had the chance to try out the new Kun Seven shoulder rest, and while it's not my favorite shoulder rest, it does have many smart features and enough customization to probably work for quite a few players out there.

Retailing in the $260 USD range, it's maybe not the best choice for a beginner. That said, with many of us ending up with literally a box of shoulder rests over the years, and some of us even giving up and trying a no-shoulder-rest approach, it might make sense to try it earlier than later in your shoulder rest journey, being much more adjustable than a lot of rests.

Intro/outro music: "Light & Shadow," written and performed by Laurel Thomsen. To listen and download visit

Thursday December 19th, 2024

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Laurel Thomsen

Violin, Viola, Vocals
Performance, Instruction, Recording

Based in Santa Cruz, California

Site by Laurel Thomsen
Photography by Michelle Magdalena
Skype: laurelthomsen

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